Computer Acting Crazy? How To Know If Your Computer Has A Virus

Summary: Learn how to know if your computer is infected with a virus or other malicious code, and discover the device security solutions that can help protect you from devastating cyberattacks. By knowing the different types of malware used by hackers, you can recognize them early and take the cyber security steps required to protect your SMB network from an attack. The longer malware goes undetected, the more expensive it is to resolve.

Have you noticed that your computer has been acting strange? It might suddenly be plagued with pop-up advertisements. Or perhaps it’s become slow to boot up, and applications take forever to load. Your computer might be infected with a virus. A computer virus is malicious software or malware that damages applications and data, or collects keystrokes to discover logins, passwords or credit card numbers. Viruses can be dormant until activated, but once they are executed, they replicate quickly and alter other programs by infecting them with malicious code.

Undetected malware allows criminals to return repeatedly to harvest more data, so detection and removal are essential to protect your business data and reduce the liability risk of a data breach. There are many possible signs that your computer may be infected with viruses and other malware.

How to Recognize Malware

Device performance may change when malicious code is injected into a computer. Knowing how to recognize malware can alert you in the earliest stages of an attack:

Types of Malware

Hackers have been designing malware for a long time. As our connected tech world has grown, cyberthieves have stepped up their game and now have many different tools and approaches for launching cyberattacks. Here is a list of some of the most common types of malware attacks:

When cybercriminals have physical access to your computer and its network devices or obtain escalated permissions, (such as a senior-level executive’s credentials) they can gain remote administrator-level control of your system and continue to expand their attacks or transfer large amounts of money to untraceable offshore accounts. The most common hacking tools used are:

Cyber security is becoming more and more complex. Most SMBs and remote employees do not have the budget or expertise to tighten up their security in-house. Learning how to know if your computer has a virus is essential to protect your business. Cyber protection cannot be ignored. The risk of downtime, data and financial theft and lost business can put your small company out of business. Take steps to reduce risk and hire IT security professionals to perform a cyber risk analysis and recommend cyberdefense solutions to help you defend against all types of malware and cyberattacks.