Is Cloud Storage Safe? Only With Proper Cyber Security

Consumers are often suspicious of things they can't see. Cloud security is one of those things. With all the emphasis in the media focusing on protecting privacy and private data, using cloud storage requires a certain leap of faith for the average user. However, businesses appear to have taken that leap because today, more than 90% of companies store most of their workload in the cloud. But cloud security isn't perfect. Serious cyber security threats still exist in the cloud, and SMBs need to take the necessary action to protect against them.

Network and Cloud Security

There are three different models for cloud computing and storage models, and each one requires additional cyber security responsibilities:

Hackers typically use phishing emails and stealing easy passwords and malware specifically designed to steal your information. One of the most common cloud security threats is related to Identity and Access Management (IAM). IAM threats include stolen credentials, stolen accounts, use of credentials by company insiders and many areas of unauthorized access. Cybercriminals steal account credentials and then use them in a variety of ways. For example:

Amidst the ever-expanding cyberattack target landscape, comprehensive layers of cyber security are crucial to protecting your company’s cloud-computing platform. Unfortunately, network security is no longer contained within the four walls of an office, but instead, in a vast cyber universe that is unfamiliar to most business owners.

Expansive protections are required to lock down your business data. SMBs cannot risk do-it-yourself approaches to cloud security. Instead, they need to use IT experts to provide a cyber risk analysis to assess their cyber vulnerabilities across their systems and help them design the best layers of security to protect their business data stored in the cloud. High compliance small companies, obligated by law to protect their customers’ private data, can be put out of business and subject to ongoing lawsuits if their data is breached.

Case Study

When it first opened 15 years ago, a multi-office medical practice outside New York City hired an in-office IT employee. At the time, the IT staffer’s knowledge and experience seemed more than sufficient to protect the practice’s clinical and patient data. However, as time went on, the in-house IT guy did not conscientiously stay on top of changing cyber security protocols and left outdated and insufficient protections in place. One day, one of the doctors arrived early at one of the offices, only to find that she was locked out of the company system. A threatening and unfamiliar message appeared on her screen. The practice had been attacked by ransomware. Although the practice survived the malicious breach, the costs related to freeing up its system, securing it and dealing with the patient fallout far exceeded what it would’ve cost to adequately protect the network before the attack.

DIGIGUARD Cyber Security Are Experts at Securing the Cloud for Small Businesses

DIGIGUARD is a small business IT company specializing in preventing cyber threats of all kinds. They have the expertise and experience to help you protect your SMB against all the latest cyber threats. They possess a wide array of solutions to protect against cybercrimes and ensure you have the most comprehensive protection in place. Also, DIGIGUARD works with small to midsized businesses to provide cyber risk training and establish customized cyber security best practices to further secure their confidential data. In addition, DIGIGUARD locks down all your devices, making sure your endpoints have the specific protections they require, especially those used for remote-access work.

For any business, cyberattacks of any kind can have devastating consequences. DIGIGUARD can assess your cyber risks and work with you to implement all the best security solutions for your SMB.

Call DIGIGUARD CYBER SECURITY at 833-33-CYBER (833-332-9237) and visit to schedule a cyber security consultation to help design and implement the best cyber protection customized for your business.