SMB Cyber Security: What Is The Best Firewall For Small Business?

Summary: This 3-minute article explores the different firewalls available and how to select the best firewall for your SMB. Then, for further details, contact DIGIGUARD CYBER SECURITY at 833-33-CYBER (833-332-9237) or visit to discuss network firewall security and all the cyber defense solutions available to protect your SMB.

Firewalls have been around for decades. Over time they have improved with new features and functionality and are now one of the first lines of defense against cyber threats. Most users know the term “firewall” but don’t really know what they are. Wikipedia ( defines a firewall as “a network security system that monitors and controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. A firewall typically establishes a barrier between a trusted network and an untrusted network, such as the Internet.” A good firewall is configured to accept traffic from trusted sources and block any traffic that may be suspicious. Firewalls also allow content filtering, applying rules designed to filter out specific kinds of content. For example, you might restrict your employees’ access to social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter to eliminate distraction. Any data that does not align with the pre-set rules will be rejected. However, in the real world, firewalls are not all created equal.

Cyberthieves continue to become more aggressive in their cyberattacks. Therefore, every aspect of your business’s cyber security demands close examination before spending unnecessary time and money. If you are exploring a new firewall installation for your company, there are many things to consider before choosing one:

Professionally Managed Firewall

As an SMB owner, you have enough to worry about in performing the business's daily operations. However, if your business doesn’t have the IT resources, knowledge and budget to be sure you have the right firewall for your company, you should consider a remotely managed firewall. A firewall installed, set up and monitored by IT experts costs far less than recovery from a significant cyberattack on your network, breaching your hard-earned business data.

Layers Of Security Are The Walls Protecting Your Data

A strong firewall configured for your business is just a first line of defense. Other cyber defense solutions that work in tandem with firewalls and network security include:

Firewalls Aren’t Enough

Cyber security for SMBs has few “one and done” or “set and forget” solutions. Instead, robust online security requires many layers of protection and constant vigilance. In addition, new cybercrime techniques and targets are released by hackers all the time. Therefore, savvy business owners should accept their limitations, understand that many cyber defense solutions are beyond their fields of expertise, and consult with IT professionals to ensure their company has everything it needs to protect its data.